After the Shoe Box - The Greatest Journey Begins
Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 7:00AM
MAD21 in Discipleship, Family Life, Making A Difference, Making a Difference, Ministry, Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan's Purse, Samaritan's Purse

By Ginny (MAD21)

The The Greatest Journey is the exciting follow-up discipleship program used by Operation Christmas Child to help children become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. It is taught by teachers who speak the native languages who also live in the countries where the children are receiving shoe boxes. The program teaches them about who Christ is and His love for them. It's one of the many ways Samaritan's Purse is making a difference in the lives of families all over the world.

Here is the interview with the International Field Support Team I posted last year. They are the group who prepares the discipleship materials and trains the teachers who will be working directly with the kids.

Don't just take my word for it. Take the time to watch this awesome video with Pamela Aramburu. Go with her on a journey to find out what happens... After the Box:

This post is part of our Not Just a Shoe Box series. Come back next week to see some letters from kids who have been impacted by OCC Shoe Boxes, and The Greatest Journey discipleship program.

 These are letters from some of the kids who received shoe boxes from Operation Christmas Child. My friend Stacey Wilson from OCC was kind enough to send them to me. Many groups around the country are collecting boxes now (official collection week is November 14th-18th). However, OCC collects and delivers them all year long. I  encourage you to keep Samaritan's Purse, as well as all the children who receive these boxes in your prayers. That children all around the world will be led to the feet of Christ, one shoe box at a time.

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (
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