
By Pat
As a child, I loved to skip rocks across water. I was never very good at it, and usually lost the "rock-skipping" contests, but I still had fun doing it. Although it's been a long time, I still remember that each time the rock skimmed the water, it left a ripple wherever it touched, so that the ripples were plentiful all the way to where the rock would sink.
Our lives are like those rocks. No matter where we are or what we're doing, our actions make ripples. What we might think is insignificant just might not be. It affects others in some way, who will affect others in some way, and so on and so on, thus creating ripples in the world. God's world. For you see, God uses each of us to make the ripples that make or break the lives we touch.
Never be afraid to skip across the water and make positive ripples in your life, for you never know who you are affecting, or in what way. Be a shining light. Spread God's love and goodness wherever you go. If were were each mindful that every word we speak, every deed we do, is a ripple, we can as a team make this world a much better place.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise you Father in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.