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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Bucket List (4)


Every Day Life: Renaissance Festival

By Lara

As many of our faithful readers know, Beth and I have put a lot of thought and effort (and flexibility) into our new list. With that flexibility comes the sad truth that we do not get to see each other as often as we would like to. Therefore, we will not be able to write about an item from the list every week because we haven't necessarily accomplished an item from the list every week. That brings me to this week's article. It was suggested that I write about "every day life." I think I can handle that.

This weekend, I managed to wrangle two of my co-workers into attending the Maryland Renaissance Festival with me. I have been to the fair before (usually tied tightly into a time-period costume), but my co-workers had not. I tried to prepare them for the experience without scaring them away. If you have never been the the Ren Fest before, please understand that it tends to attract some very eccentric people.

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Bucket List: Go To The Eastern State Penitentiary (Part 2)

By Beth M

Going Insane

At this time of year, when the ghoulies come out
People tend to enjoy a good scare.
They'll traipse through mazes, graveyards and more
Even be shut in the morgue if they're dared.

My history with scares dates to "The Exorcist" and "Scream"
It's been years since I've felt up for a haunt.
So it took twelve months to man up for this trip,
It was a year's worth of ridicule and taunts.

Down to Eastern State Pen on an October night
We drove, with m heart beating fast.
Not sure how I'd react, would I scream, faint or run?
Would zombies eat me? Make me join the Penn cast?

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Bucket List: Go To The Eastern State Penitentiary

By Lara

I have a friend named Candy who likes scary things. I have endured several ridiculously cheesy scary movies at Candy's request. We have spent many hours in her basement watching television shows like, "FEAR." One such episode of, "FEAR" was shot at Eastern State Penitentiary. Candy discovered two or three years ago that there is a haunted house every fall at the Eastern State Penitentiary. She went and loved it.

I have been curious about this haunted house ever since. I imagine that is how "Go to the Eastern State Penitentiary" came to be placed on the Bucket List. Soon thereafter, Beth informed me that she had found coupons for the Penitentiary. Score.

I don't know how many of you have driven in Philadelphia, but that may actually be the scariest part of our adventure. However, Beth and I eventually made it to the ghost bus parking area at the Philadelphia Zoo. We parked under a bright light, secured our valuables, and got in line at for the ghost bus.

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YOB: A New Bucket List

By Beth

As you are all aware, the Year of the Birthday is over. Been over for some time, though that didn't stop us from doing some of the things on the list. In hindsight, we really were a bit too ambitious. So the last time I went to see Lara, we discussed those items that were left and what to do with them. Lara and I are all about lists, and adventures together, so we decided to make our own Bucket List. This new list has no time frame, so no pressure to get it done. We can also add to the list if we want and remove things that we deem unreasonable. We came up with the list while at Buffalo Wild Wings, or walking through the woods (I did some rock-and-tree-hopping, Lara did not). Our environment may have influenced some of the items on the list. So here is what we have so far, one will hopefully be completed this weekend, but I won't tell you which one, that would take some of the fun out of writing the article to go along with the adventure.

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