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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Sit-Ups Are Not As Good For You As Once Thought

Katie Dailey of Newsweek reports, "Everyone knows that the road to flat, tight abs is paved with crunches. Lots and lots and lots of excruciating crunches. Or is it? As it turns out, the exercises synonymous with strong, attractive abs may not be the best way to train your core—and may be doing damage to your back."


Medication To Motivate

Interesting research on how to get people motivated to be more active and perhaps exercise more. Telegraph reports, "In tests, very overweight mice doubled their amount of physical activity when the hormone leptin – which regulates appetite – was switched on in their brain. Scientists hope to build on the research to create medication to help people who suffer from obesity to lead more active lives. Dr Christian Bjorbaek, an endocrinologist Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, said: "This gives us the opportunity to search for drugs that might induce the desire or will to voluntarily exercise."


Getting The Mars Rover Moving Again

Alan Boyle reports on Cosmic Log, "NASA experts are taking fuzzy pictures and trying outdifferent recipes for Red Planet dirt as they continue their weeks-long effort to get a stuck Mars rover moving again."


A Brave Little Girl

A brave 10-year-old girl in California battles cancer. The Associated Press reports on MSNBC, "Ten-year-old Hannah Powell-Auslam is trying to remain brave as she battles what was initially diagnosed as breast cancer..[that was then] changed to invasive secretory carcinoma, a type discovered in children in the 1960s.."


Exercise After 30

According to a Reuters article on MSNBC, "After age 30, exercising for more than an hour a week may help cut a woman's chances of developing breast cancer, according to a study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine's annual meeting in Seattle."

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