Clean Your Cleaning Items To Help Keep Sickness Away

By MAD21
Lifehacker posted a good article with a few tips on keeping your house clean to try and stave off all the fall/winter sicknesses looming around us.
I never really thought much about cleaning the items I use to... clean.
Of course, all I can think of at this point is the episode of Friends where Monica has a vacuum to clean her vacuum...
Health & Fitness,
Sick in
Health & Fitness

Reader Comments (2)
From the article you linked:
"And get this: a few untidy bachelor pads tested very low for germs, which he attributes to lazy housekeeping."
I could use that for my new excuse..."I'm not lazy, I'm keeping the germ count low...."
Thanks! :-)
Clean your cleaning items? Really? It's a sickness, I tell ya!