YOB: #7. Go To An Ice Hockey Game

By Lara
I have wanted to see a hockey game in person for years. I love hockey. You have to respect a sport where it is totally legal to body slam your opponent into a Plexiglas wall at 50 mph. I am also a fan of cold temperatures and attractive men. So sue me.
I was excited that Beth was willing to go to a hockey game with me. I was thinking we could see a Flyers game since Beth lives just outside of Philadelphia. It turns out that Flyers tickets are expensive... and people buy them quickly. Therefore, we looked into some other options. Hershey Pennsylvania has a minor league hockey team called the Bears. Their tickets were less expensive. I'm glad that I got them early, though. We went to a sold out game.
Beth, Kate and I drove up to Hershey straight from meeting Duff at the Inner Harbor. We grabbed some dinner at one of my favorite eating establishments in Hershey, PA. It's called "Your Place." It is located right next to the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, frequent home of the Eastern Christian Convention... I usually eat there at least once a year. I recommend the Stromboli.
After dinner, we managed to find the stadium. It wasn't too difficult. Beth and I had been there last December for a Jeff Dunham show... that was also sold out.
The hockey game was a lot of fun. Beth bought bear claws for her kids. She let me use one to cheer with during the game. The Bears were playing the Philly Phantoms. It was a close game. There were several fights. There was even a fight where gloves and helmets came off. The Bears won. Very exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed my first hockey game. I plan to go again.
Of course, I hope that my next hockey game does not involve obnoxious fans for the opposition or ridiculous traffic jams. Unfortunately, I'm fairly certain you have to be at least slightly obnoxious to be a truly devoted hockey fan. I'll try to contain my jeering just in case you sit in front of me next year.

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