Community of Believers

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
My last post was a request for prayer while explaining the valley I am currently walking through. Let me state that I know I am being prayed for and if nothing else then I am learning how important being part of a community is. My pastor, the youth minister, elders and other church members have come up to me to let me know they are praying for my situation. I have used social networking to let people know of my situation and just to pray. The response had been incredible. Last Saturday I was invited to speak (on behalf of Compassion) at a local church that I have a relationship with. They were having a night of worship with another church from Baltimore City. Prior to my presentation both churches prayed for my situation and for opportunities. Totally unexpected and incredible! It is great to be a part of this community and to know that others are caring for me. The walk through the valley is tough but it is great to know others are "walking" with me.
I can equate this with Compassion and its programs. Sponsorship is not about the dollars but rather about building a relationship. It is this relationship that gives the hope and brings about a difference. Writing and encouraging is one of the best feelings for both the giver and the receive. I know that my ministry had brought me more blessings than I could ever give. One of the best tag lines that Compassion has is that sponsorship is about changing two lives...the child's and the sponsors. It is so true!
Being a part of a community of believers is the best feeling. Knowing that there are others loving and caring for you- it is just a taste of what heaven will be like. Thanks all for your support and love.

Reader Comments (2)
"Being a part of a community of believers is the best feeling. Knowing that there are others loving and caring for you- it is just a taste of what heaven will be like."
This is beautiful!
Amen to that.....