Top 10 Things I have Learned From My Sick Bed This Week

By Renee, LSWA
Yep. I'm sick. Fever raging, joint aching, muscle pulling while coughing kind of sick. Doc says it's not any kind of flu, animal or otherwise, just an ear infection. That's the only thing that doesn't hurt! I have nothing profound or helpful this week but it is basic to life-illness. While I don't particularly care for David Letterman I do enjoy a good top 10 list so here is mine:
10. Coughing is an excellent abdominal exercise and makes up for missing going to the gym while sick.
9. I look silly in those little respiratory masks they're making everyone wear when they come into the doctor's office.
8. I have more medication on my night stand than my grandmother!
7. Breathing is highly overrated.
6. LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) has some of the poorest acted movies on the planet on 24/7.
5. Furry, purring cats are comforting.
4. Not even 6 blankets can warm you up when your temperature is 102.4.
3. Vanilla colored walls are boring especially when you are staring at them all day every day.
2. My husband is wonderful!
1. It could be worse, much worse.

Reader Comments (1)
Aww, I like #2!! I'll have to work on the purring part. I think you're wonderful too - even when you're sick. <3 <3