Enforcing Bedtimes Improves Kids' Health

By MAD21
CNN reports on the latest findings for studies done on the sleep patterns of children. Their outcomes are rather obvious and expected to me, but it's still interesting to read about their studies and the conclusions they came to. The experts stated:
"Setting bedtimes can improve sleep quality and quantity for infants and toddlers, according to a growing body of research. Not getting enough sleep affects children's behavior, memory, attention, and emotional well-being, experts said."
The article also lists the appropriate amount of sleep people should be getting based on their age. It's good to know so we at least have a baseline for how much sleep our kids should be getting. As with everything in life, it takes discipline to keep to a bedtime routine, both for the kids, and for the parents. I know I usually plan to go to bed at a certain time, but always find myself with "just one more thing to do."

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