World Aids Day

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
December 1st is World Aids Day. As you know my passion is children and it incredible to find out that each day, about 1,000 children worldwide become infected with HIV, the vast majority of them newborns. I wanted to do a post about this crisis but found out there is just so much information out there that it may be easier to give you some links and let you do some homework. There are many groups that are attempting to make a difference such as Samaritan's Purse. Obviously my take today is going to be Compassion based since I work with them. There is no organization that is better than another! This is the work of the enemy and all of us are called by Christ to Make a Difference. I encourage you to get informed and to see what you can do on any level to make a difference. How much do you really know about aids? Here is a link to a short quiz from Compassion's website that can get you better informed.
Finally if you are interested in finding out about Compassion's Aids Initiative here is a link to a video that will give you some great information about what they do.
No matter what, December 1st is World Aids Day- will you get involved and Make a Difference??

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