A Week For Being Thankful

By MAD21
" We don't give thanks because we are happy.
We are happy because we give thanks."
Following the tradition of Thanksgiving, I thought I would share just a few things I'm thankful for this year:
My Hubby: The love of my life. Who took the time to chase me when I was not the least bit interested in being pursued. Who works hard to take care of our family and is the best father I could have ever dreamed of having for my children. For his love of learning and ability to actually remember things when it's important (which comes in handy a lot considering I lost that ability when I had kids!). For all of our 'inside jokes,' travels together, and for being my best friend.
My Oldest Daughter: Because she made me a Mommy. Because she is beautiful and smart, and lights up a room like sunshine even on the darkest days. I love her stories and how much she loves to learn new things. I love her passion for wanting to do things 'right' and for how much she loves her family and friends. Her smile makes my heart melt. She's my little extravert who loves to be with people and doing something all the time.
My Youngest Daughter: Because she made my oldest a sister and best friend. Because she is also beautiful and smart. I love how she focuses so hard on whatever she is working on, and is her own little person. She gives the best hugs ever, and loves to snuggle. I love to hear her songs, to catch her pretending with her toys and her bees, and how she is just fine being alone looking at her books. She makes me laugh doing something as simple as raising her eyebrows at me, or quoting silly things from our favorite shows. She is one of the most strong-willed kids I know, but also one of the bravest. She has a deep love for her family and isn't afraid to show it.
My Mother-in-Law: The most amazing 87-year-old I know. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her for the last six years. She's been there for me just about every time I needed help with my girls. If allowed, she'd talk your ear off for hours about people you don't know, but she has a heart of gold and gives so much of herself. And let us not forget the best part.. she gave me her son :)
My Sister-in-Law: She is one of the busiest people I know, but she will drop everything when you need her. I love how much she loves on my girls. Surprising them with the most amazing dresses, and taking time to tell stories and sing songs for an hour past bedtime.
The wonderful people at my children's school. The teachers my girls have are just amazing women. We have been so blessed by their love and support the last two years. We have also developed such good relationships with some of the other parents and staff. I pray that this will continue all throughout my girls' education.
I am so thankful for the few old friends I have that have stuck with me through the insanity of parenting young children. That have continued to love me even when I've missed returning phone calls and emails and just dropped off the map completely. The kind of friends that even after it's been awhile, you can pick up the phone and talk as though no time has passed at all. Where no apologies are needed. The friends who are there for you when you need to cry, or scream, or laugh, and they do it all right along with you.
I am so thankful for all the new friends I have gained through the experience of doing this blog. I have learned so much through all of you these past seven months. I have loved reading your blogs and chatting with you on Twitter and email. Thank you for making the world seems so much smaller and enriching my life everyday.
I am thankful to live in a country where we can worship and learn about God and our faith openly and without fear of persecution. To be able to express our beliefs through all kinds of forums, such as this blog, without government interference.
Above all else I am thankful for a God who loves me like no other. A Father who showers me in his grace and mercy. Who forgives me every time I fall short of what he made me to be. Who has been faithful to me in ways that words cannot express. Who has provided both when I needed it the most, and when I didn't think I needed at all.
Please take some time this week to think of all the things you have to be thankful for in your life. I encourage you to go one step further, and tell the people you are thankful for how much you appreciate them. And might I encourage you to go a step even further than that? Ask yourself what you can be doing to Make a Difference to others? Allow yourself to be used by God to bless another.
As each of us searches for each other's light in this dark place, let us remember where that light came from this Thanksgiving. As thankful as we are for things in this life, let us remember to give thanks to the One who made it all possible.

Reader Comments (4)
Beautiful post, Ginny. I am very thankful for your encouragement and friendship! <3
Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your amazing family.
Amen and amen.
I'm thankful that I met you online... and for that awesome video you shared!
I hope your in-laws are grateful for you. Not many people appreciate their in-laws as you do. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving.