My Birthday

By Lara
It seems strange to me to talk about the Year of the Birthday without actually addressing my birthday party. I didn't do anything on the list on my birthday, but I did turn 30. That is impressive in and of itself.
My birthday was May 10 of this year. Since my birthday fell on Mother's Day, I decided to have my party on the 9th and tell people that I was celebrating the last day of 29.
Beth had mono the week before my birthday party. I was afraid that she would be unable to join in the festivities. She did, however, get enough antibiotic in her system to be present. She even brought Nicole, another friend from middle school, with her for the weekend. They showed up while I was fighting a losing battle with the pink petals that fall off the tree outside my apartment and get tracked into my house...
I had decided to have my party at Mariner Point Park. They have pavilions in case of rain, and it's not too far out of the way. Beth, Nicole, Kate and my father helped me decorate the pavilion with "Caution 30th Birthday in Progress" tape and lots of food.
The party was an open house. There were people from high school, work, family, and other random strangers. The random strangers actually crashed my party to set up their own party, but they were welcomed. When my guests had dwindled and the group of random strangers grew, we moved the remnants of the party to my house.
My chocolate cake iced with peanut butter was a huge hit. It was delicious. I highly recommend trying it if you like things that are both salty and sweet.
My trip to Alaska, which also occurred in May, was my birthday present to myself. I had wanted to go to Alaska since I was a small child. I think that turning 30 was the perfect occasion for making that dream a reality.
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