Leaving It At The Door

By MAD21
A friend of mine was telling me today about how his wife was complaining about how much he talked about work (and for the record, he agreed it needed to stop). You know know what I mean. All the conversations we have when we get home from work. Like needing to unload all of the day's events out of our brains before we explode. We spend all day trying to be politically correct and professional while working around other people (or not), that when we are in the safety of our own home with the people we love, we just let it all out like taking the knot out of a balloon.
Mind you, it's not all bad that we share our day's events with our families. I, for one, like very much to hear about the events of each family member's day. But like everything in life, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. We all need to be careful that it doesn't go too far.
This discussion made me think back to an article I read on Ron Hutchcraft's website a while back about thinking of ways to be a blessing to our families. In the article he talks about coming home not to unload everything from our day onto the people we love, but instead think of coming home to be a blessing to them. It really gives you something to think about.

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