
By Roger
It seems like yesterday when my wife told me that we were expecting our first child. I was 27 years old then and I can honestly say I was elated and scared at the same time. I knew right then and there I was going to be a protector and provider for this gift from God.
In March of 1983 our daughter was born. My fatherhood began. As most new parents do, this child was given a lot of attention. We have hundreds of pictures of our daughter. From her first this to her first that, everything she did was recorded or a picture was taken.
In June of 1986 our second child was born. A boy. Somehow his first this and first that did gather the same attention as our first child. We have about half as many pictures of our son as we did our daughter. Why is that?
In October of 1989 our second son was born. As you can guess this child had less pictures taken of him as our previous two. His first this and first that were old stories. His sister and brother had already accomplished his firsts.
It would seem like as the number of our children grew the less we cared about the younger ones. Not true. As we grew as parents we realized that the most important thing to do was just to love our children and to teach them right from wrong. We also started them on thier journey to love and worship our Lord Jesus.
Fatherhood is the love and guidence you give to your children. It is also the example you set in living your life. Fatherhood is the most precious gift given to us from God.

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