Rx For Success: Turning Your Dreams Into Reality

By Renee
Dreams are vital for the human condition. We live in a world of "what ifs." But, dreams need to be turned into reality if we are seriously interested in fulfilling them. Goal-setting is the tool that can push our dreams to the next level, turning them into life-altering achievements.
Having goals is great but until you write them down, they cannot become a reality. Writing them down will help you focus and allow you to be alert to the distractions that will try and lure you away from your course. Once you get into the habit of setting and achieving your goals, you will find an increase in your motivation and a boost to your self-confidence.
I would recommend using the SMART technique when setting your goals.
Specific: You have a much greater chance of a realizing your goals when they are precise and specific. They should answer the six "W" questions:
- Who: Who is involved?
- What: What do I want to accomplish?
- When: Determine a time frame.
- Where: Identify the location.
- Why: Establish the purpose, the benefits of the goal.
- Which: Identify requirements and parameters.
Measurable: Determine the criteria for measuring your progress. Ask questions like, "How many? How much?" When you can measure your progress, you are more likely to stay focused and on target. Give each goal a priority to keep you from becoming overwhelmed and state each goal as a positive statement.
Achievable: Plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame. Identify the goals that are most important to you. You will then begin to find ways to make them happen. Set goals that you have control over.
Realistic: You need to be willing and able to work toward your goals. Ask yourself if you truly believe you can reach this goal. Goals can be hard and still be realistic.
Timely: Goals should never be set without a time frame. Without a sense of urgency, you will be tempted to not work as hard to achieve it. Later turns into someday that turns into never.
Remember to reward yourself for achieving your goals. Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. Don't belittle yourself for failing to meet some goals. Learn from it and adjust your goals accordingly. Remember too that as you change and grow, so should your goals.
For more resources, check out these links:
For goal templates:
For more in-depth look at goal setting:

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