The Power Of Prayer

By Roger
I hope people aren't getting tired of hearing about my cancer and treatment. But this is a very important part of my life. There was a time back in September of 2008 that I was almost put in hospice where I was told they would keep me comfortable until my death. Now I'm not afraid of death, but I wasn't ready. I opted to stay home and it turned out to be the best option.
I lost a lot of weight because of an intestine blockage. I got so weak I needed a wheel chair to get around. I wanted to go to church one more time because I thought it may be the last time.
I know I've told this part of the story before but it's worth reporting. As I was wheeled into the New Life Center a crowd of well-wishers and prayer warriors gathered around. One of those was my special needs friend Tommy. Tommy has Muscular Dystrophy and has trouble speaking. Tommy cut through the crowd and immediately put his hands on my head and started to pray over me. I couldn't understand the words Tommy was praying but our Almighty understood every word. The next few days my intestines opened up and my strength came back and does anybody want to buy a wheel chair?
That's the gist of this whole story. PRAYER. If it wasn't for the prayer from all my friends I wouldn't be here today. Praise God who answers our prayers.

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