What Are Your Special Gifts?

By Pat
How Can You Use Your Gifts To Help Others?
James 4:17 tells us "anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." That is, to me, a very frightening statement--one I need to not just ponder from time to time, but commit to memory and be spurred into action! It's very easy to fall into the wrong mindset, thinking of all the things I DON'T do wrong, the sins I don't commit. I try very hard every day to obey God's commands of not lying, stealing, coveting. Of treating my neighbor as myself. And then I pat myself on the back for being a good girl! But the Bible clearly states that more is required of us. God has given each of us our own unique, individual personalities, gifts and talents which are to be used to further His kingdom here. Therefore, I must make it my priority to seek God's guidance in using these gifts in the manner in which He intended, so that someday I will hear the words I so long to hear..."Well done, good and faithful servant!"
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