Moments That Touch Your Soul

By MAD21
Everyone has a daily routine they follow, for the most part, from the moment they get up in the morning, until they go to bed at night. One of my most favorite times of day is in the evening when we put our girls to bed. After trips to the bathroom, brushing teeth, and reading stories snuggled in bed, we turn the lights off. At that point, we talk about the events of the day and the things we are thankful for (which is especially important on the bad days!)
Today we had one of the worst thunderstorms I can remember in years. You know the kind, bright flashes, very loud cracks and booms, and it seemed to go on forEVER. I think in the end, it lasted about three hours. I have never been a fan of thunderstorms, especially the loud ones. My oldest agrees that we could all do without the loud ones--ever. But my youngest has never really been bothered too much by the storms... until today. Honestly, she was ok... until it got REALLY loud and the house shivered when they rolled by.
The girls and I had spent the better part of the storm in a tent in the living room watching one of our shared favorite shows to distract us, Phineas and Ferb (thanks Disney!). Every time it got loud I reassured the girls that everything was ok and gave out lots of kisses and hugs. I was able to escape long enough to make us some dinner before the thunder was at it worst, but barely. I'm sure you could picture us, all huddled up together, eating our dinner and screaming every time the loud ones hit.
Daddy to the rescue. About half an hour after the thunder had gotten really loud, Daddy got home from work (praise God!). He came up the stairs with something our girls look upon as one of the most magical creations. The hearing protection (think ear muffs) he uses while he is working with saws, and various other loud machines. So they were able to finish their dinner with delight. As each passing thunder roll went by, they would ask, "Was that a loud one?" Each with a grin on their face. One of the many, many reasons we all love Daddy.
So tonight as we went through our usual routine, the girls ended their day thanking God for their many blessings, including getting us all through the storm.
Another of my favorite parts to our family's daily routine is long after the girls have been asleep and my husband and I are going to bed. I always go in to each of our girls' rooms, give them a soft kiss on their head, tell them I love them, and ask God's protection over them one last time. As I lay over my three-year-old tonight, in the most soft, sleepy little voice she looks up at me and says, "Mama, thunder all gone?" I answer, "Yes, baby. Thunder all gone." I gently kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes, quietly sighs and hugs her Teddy a little closer. I tell her I love her and ask God to protect her and help her sleep. I nearly burst into tears before I even left her room.
I don't know why this moment touched me the way it did. Only God knows why they affect us the way they do. But I think one of the reasons God gives us children is to show us a glimpse of how He sees us. I am thankful for the many things God has taught me in my life, but it's unbelievable the amazing things He has taught me through my children.
One thing is for sure, I'm am so thankful that there is a God who, like a loving parent, will sit with me through the storms of life and will still be there when it's all over.

Reader Comments (3)
I love this! Thank you for sharing it. Those little things touch me to.
Great story :) What a great idea with the "ear protectors!" These storms rolling up the east coast have even shaken ME lately, so I can imagine what they do to little ones! I shot up straight in my bed this morning @ 6 AM when I heard thunder and lightening cracking so loud, I thought it was literally camped outside my window!
Absolute love this! Sarah insisted I come read it, and I am glad she did. Little girls are the bestest! My girl is not afraid of thunder but fireworks send her reeling. I'll have to remember the ear plug trick.
Like you, my little Anna is teaching me so much about God's love for me that some days it "hurts" (in a good way).
I apologize I haven't stopped by before now. I'll be sure to come back by!