Going "Toe To Toe" With Satan

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
The other evening I was at a Christian coffee house to hear a friend play their music. The host did a short devotional on how Satan often tries to tempt us or trip us up in our walk with Christ. He told a story about how if we are being ignored by Satan then really maybe we aren't making a difference or a threat. This got me to thinking...how often do we face obstacles or hurdles in our lives and feel that God is ignoring us? How often do we feel we are doing a great job and are being effective and yet we feel stymied some how? God does not promise us as Christians we get a free pass for the rest of our lives. Even Christ was tempted before he began his ministry. I cannot think of one other Christian that has not faced trials or tribulations in their walk. We often face those difficult times or dry times and want to blame God. Yet I will submit to you that it is not God we should blame ( actually we should be thankful) but Satan.
Lets look at the real picture. We are flawed and only through Christ are we made whole. Satan wants our imperfections-it is easier to believe his lies and easier to be tripped up. Once we are "One in Christ" we become very dangerous to Satan. He could really care less about those who don't know Christ. Sure they are fun to toy with but they really present no threat to his kingdom. However those that are seeking or are saved are a major threat. They are the ones that he must keep his eyes on less his power in this world diminish. I know many Christians that have had awesome ministries or experiences and yet faced countless hurdles in their lives. The mature Christian will rejoice in the knowledge that no matter what we are not forgotten or forsaken. Rather Christ is right there beside us in these hurdles. Case in point: In 2005 I had the opportunity to go to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip. It was one of those incredible mountain top experiences. Being with fellow Christians, serving and fellowshipping, and knowing we were doing Kingdom work was awesome. Yet within one month of returning I lost my job. That was not God's plan as I saw Satan totally at work with what I was going through. I had served God and was on fire- I was a danger. Through two months of unemployment I did not waiver and I was blessed to have a fellow Christian offer me a great job that now allows me some freedom to pursue my ministry with Compassion. God is good!!!!!
If we are not facing those hurdles or obstacles then maybe we are not doing exactly what we should be doing to be a danger. Personally I would rather be a threat and a thorn in Satan's side than be ignored. I would choose to go "toe to toe" with Satan knowing he was a little afraid of me. He can knock me around but in my corner stands Jesus Christ. I may go down but will never be counted out. Which brings me to a prayer request for this week 7/26-8/2. If you are reading this after the fact then just lift my Compassion ministry in prayer. I know I am doing Kingdom work and could always use that extra prayer support. However this week I have made a personal investment in presenting Compassion at the Harford County Farm Fair. Obviously this is a secular event and I am not expecting great results. In fact these are the type of events that Compassion does not really encourage as the results don't often reflect the energy. Yet I am a firm believer in this ministry and have stated on many occasions that I would go anywhere or try anything to further Compassion's cause. This is one of those opportunities. I am sure that Satan will love to have me discouraged or disillusioned. In fact I am sure that he is not to pleased with me writing this article and would love to knock me around a little. Truth is Truth. I ask that you cover me in prayer this week. Allow my words and ministry to glorify God at the Farm Fair. If you are there stop by and say hello.

By Chuck
Farm Fair 2009 (Seed Planting)
This year I decided to purchase a vendor spot for my Compassion International Ministry. This is not an event that is really conducive to presenting Compassion as people are there to have fun, eat some treats and grab those freebies. They do not readily stop by and ask about sponsoring children. I knew this going in but part of my ministry is the willingness to 'go anywhere" or "try anything" for Compassion. That is how strong I feel about their work. Compassion would rather I look for "bang for my buck" but I would at least like to get the "word out there"
So I purchased the spot and actually had a nice location. It could have been in a better tent (I was in with a lot of the political booths) but I was smack in the middle of the tent. I had the flexibility to have tables on all 4 sides of me if I wanted. That was indeed a "God Thing". During the rain storms I was dry and not flooded out. I decided to actually have child packets for sponsorship, Child Survival Projects for sponsorship, loads of literature, and I had donation buckets for the Global Food Crisis Fund and Malaria Intervention (Bite Back) Fund. I actually had cool bracelets and stickers to hand out for Bite Back. I figured a four prong effort would be good.
It was a long but fun weekend. Worth it? Guess it depends on who you ask....the results were not spectacular but as I said...I wasn't expecting much. We collected $10 for the Global Food Crisis, $45 for Bite Back, and I have both a child sponsorship and a Survival Project sponsorship pending. I was able to hand out a lot of literature as well as network with some of the churches. This may result in future speaking opportunities. I figure it is worth it in the long run. In many ways I am like the apostle Paul. I spread the seeds and others may water them. Down the line who knows what the result will be....hopefully many blossoming sponsorships!!!!
I was blessed by the people that did stop by to inquire or to share stories of children they sponsor. I know in many ways God was glorified by what we did present and the efforts everyone made. To God be the Glory!

Reader Comments (1)
We're prayin' you find some great sponsors at the fair, Chuck! Thank you for being willing to give of yourself to help so many!!