What Does Your Family Do For Fun?

By Kevin (Shooting the Breeze)
I believe that it is very important for families to have fun together. As the old adage goes “A family that plays together stays together” (that is an old adage, right?) This is so true. Having fun together helps build a healthy family. Having fun together helps develop a healthy family image – a family that the kids and parents are excited to be a part of. Here are some of the things that we do for fun as a family:
Family game nights. Once a week (usually Friday nights) we play games as a family. Some of the games we play are Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and Wii (our favourite game is Mario Kart). Everyone in our family can play these games and have the potential to win (I believe it is important for kids to have a healthy sense of competiveness and sportsmanship). Playing games has also helped our daughter’s with their math and problem solving skills.
Going to the beach for BBQ’s. This is by far our most favourite thing to do as a family. We have an awesome beach near by and whenever it is not raining (we live in a rain forestJ) we pack up and head to the beach for a BBQ. At the beach the kids will collect shells and rocks, play in the water and help me build the fire (I admit it ... I am a pyromaniacJ).
Family movie nights. On these nights we make popcorn and all five of us pile onto our love seat and enjoy watching a movie together. Even though these nights are not very interactive they are still a fun way to enjoy spending time together. We do movie nights more in the winter when it is cold and wet outside.
Walks and Bike Rides. After supper, (when it is not dark or wet out) we will pack up the kid’s bike and head down to our local High School and let the kid’s ride their bikes on the track or we will go for a walk around town. This has been a great way for my wife and me to stay active and healthy while spending time with our girls (it also helps promote an active and healthy lifestyle for our girls).
What does your family do for fun?
Kevin Martineau has been married 16 years and has three beautiful daughters (10, 7 and 4). He has the honour of serving God through his role as Pastor at Port Hardy Baptist Church on Northern Vancouver Island, British Colubia. He enjoys blogging, reading, photography and watching hockey.

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