Is God Your Hero?

By Kevin (Shooting The Breeze)
Out of the blue at dinner the other night , my youngest daughter who is four said ”God is my hero!” To which I replied “Why?” And she responded “Because He saved me.”
Now, I can’t say that I have described God as my hero before but as I pondered it some more I realized that this was indeed a very profound and proper way to describe God. I decided to look up the definition of hero. Here are some definitions that I found:
1. Remarkably brave person: somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character .
2. Somebody admired: somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements.
I would have to say that these two definitions definitely describe God. God demonstrated the most admirable quality of all when He willingly sent Jesus to die on our behalf. Nothing is more admirable than demonstrating self-sacrificing love. Nothing is more admirable than loving someone who has rebelled against you. Nothing is more admirable than being willing to forgive someone who has willing acted against you. Nothing is more admirable than not giving someone what they do deserve and then giving them what to they do not deserve.
God isn’t just to be admired though He is to be worshipped! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Even after we rebelled against Him and turned our backs on Him He still chose to go to extreme measures to demonstrate His love for us and to express His desire to be reconciled to us. God is definitely my hero! (thanks Mallory for teaching me this valuable truth!)
Is God your hero?

Reader Comments (3)
Your comment about how God should not be just admired, but worshiped made me think of a Francis Chan sermon I heard. He basically said most of really, really like Jesus, but we don't want to be like Jesus. Jesus doesn't want to be just admired, he wants to followed. Good stuff. Thanks to your daughter!
Amen Matt! That is so true. Ultimately it comes down to: Are we willing to follow Him?
What your daughter said is enlightening. Matt here is so right about saying that Jesus or God doesn't want to be admired or worshiped. He wants to be followed. And yes, the challenge would then be if we are willing to follow Him.
Denise Shaw
General World Blogs