Gov't: Fight Obesity? Add Sales Tax to Soda Tab

By MAD21
I'll just start this post with... OH, COMMON! Seriously??? This is where my tax dollars are going? To decide to fight obesity by taxing soda??
Yesterday, reported: "ATLANTA—In a bid to ramp up the public health battle against obesity, a group of nutrition and economics experts are pushing for a tax of 1 cent on every of ounce of sodas and other sweetened beverages....A soda tax would generate tax revenue while discouraging people from consuming extra calories, the authors contend. They cited a series of studies that showed higher rates of obesity and diabetes among women who drank more sugar-sweetened beverages. They argue that a steeper soda tax would borrow the same strategy that helped drive down cigarette smoking while bolstering government revenues."
Really? Is this necessary? If the government is considering fighting obesity, it would be nice if they spent their time a little wiser, possibly come up with a REAL plan/program. This seems to me to be yet another step in the government trying to control something that we should be accountable for as an individual.
Good news is that it doesn't look like it's going to go far.

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