YOB: A New Bucket List

By Beth
As you are all aware, the Year of the Birthday is over. Been over for some time, though that didn't stop us from doing some of the things on the list. In hindsight, we really were a bit too ambitious. So the last time I went to see Lara, we discussed those items that were left and what to do with them. Lara and I are all about lists, and adventures together, so we decided to make our own Bucket List. This new list has no time frame, so no pressure to get it done. We can also add to the list if we want and remove things that we deem unreasonable. We came up with the list while at Buffalo Wild Wings, or walking through the woods (I did some rock-and-tree-hopping, Lara did not). Our environment may have influenced some of the items on the list. So here is what we have so far, one will hopefully be completed this weekend, but I won't tell you which one, that would take some of the fun out of writing the article to go along with the adventure.
Go to Texas
Go parasailing
Karaoke-it's important to note that we won't try to sing well, the worse we are the more fun it'll be
See Mt. Rushmore (in person)
See the Pacific Ocean
Go to Salem - I have an ancestor who was a famous "witch" back in the day
Go to Boston in the fall - brought over from the YOB list
Hot air balloon ride - also from YOB
Boat ride - modified from YOB list, this could mean riverboat or it could be us in a rowboat on a lake
Have pig, horse, cow shirts made
Go to a Brazilian restaurant
See Niagara Falls
Bury random, useless metal stuff on the beach
Go to Eastern State Penitentiary - supposedly the #1 haunted house in America
Go to the Museum of Crime and Punishment
See Hogwarts
Horseback riding
Wax museum - go to one or make our own???
The tree in London - if you've seen Lara's scrapbook from London you understand
Leave secret notes in the woods
If you have suggestions for us, please don't hesitate to, well, suggest.

Reader Comments (3)
I think we forgot to write down Longwood Gardens...
Great list! Think I need to make one.
Also, I live in southeast PA and have a friend that is a hot-air balloon pilot. He's excellent at what he does, so if you want to cross that one off your list ... I can connect you with him.
This is his balloon ...
I can't get to that link for some reason, Janet. Is there another that might work? I'll make sure they see it... might take advantage myself :o)