Listening For God

By Pat
Have you ever set out to perform a task, whether great or small, only to have it result in failure? I have, more times than I care to remember, and usually it was because I didn't seek God's guidance, or if I did, I didn't wait long enough to hear God's instructions. Sometimes I plowed ahead, knowing that even if I was not successful, God could fix what I had messed up or left incomplete.
Sometimes in setting about the task of serving God, I leave Him out of the equation too much. This is also true of important decisions that I have had to make. So many times I have trusted in my own limited knowledge, or acted on emotion too quickly, and have made decisions I have regretted. I lack the patience and discipline that I need, and I miss out on the blessing of knowing I have done exactly what God would have me do. I know that He knows best, and yet I plow ahead...and sometimes regret it.
I need to be more like Nehemiah. Nehemiah was greatly distressed over the destruction of Jerusalem's walls, and wanted to rebuild them, but rather than take on this monumental task on his own, Nehemiah consulted with God, and then awaited his instructions before proceeding. As a result, despite the odds, Jerusalem's walls were rebuilt in only 52 days. Nehemiah didn't just pray one time, either. He persisted. He prayed with reverence and repentance and God honored his petitions. Nehemiah prayed specifically for what he needed, sometimes spontaneously, and God provided. Nehemeiah was familiar with God's voice, and recognized God's hand in in the job he was doing.
Unlike me, Nehemiah never had to pray, "Lord, bless my mess." So whether we're setting about a big project or a small one, or making a decision that will affect just us, or many others, we have to remember not only to seek God, but to await his answer and also know that what we're doing is what God wants us to do.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.
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