Every Day Life: Thanksgiving

By Lara
Several years ago, my mother approached me regarding our family tradition of Thanksgiving. She felt that Thanksgiving hadn't felt festive since my grandfather died. I agreed with her. She asked me for suggestions for making a more festive holiday. I set to work immediately.
I spent some time thinking about what we used to do to make Thanksgiving festive during my elementary school years. I remember dressing up as a pilgrim. I remember shaking a jar of cream for 6 hours trying to make butter. I remember making turkeys out of hand prints. I remember making maracas out of dried seeds, brown paper, and popsicle sticks. However, I do not remember any Thanksgiving SONGS. I had thought that "Over the River and Through the Woods" was a Thanksgiving song (probably because of the pumpkin pie reference), but I was mistaken. It's a Christmas song.
There are several hymns and worship songs that I associate with Thanksgiving, but none that specifically reference the holiday.
Therefore, I decided to create my own Thanksgiving songs. These have been adapted from songs that I feel I can change without being irreverent. I don't usually include novelty songs because it's awkward to make a novelty from a novelty...
Over the years, I have collected many many Thanksgiving songs, but I will share my favorite three...
This song is called "O, Plate of Peas" and is to the tune of "O, Christmas Tree."
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, At this Thanksgiving table
O plate of peas, O plate of peas. At this Thanksgiving table
You are so sweet and buttery
And hard to eat with cutlery
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, At this Thanksgiving table
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, I think you are my favorite
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, I think you are my favorite
Peas are so good and healthy too
And I can shoot one cross the room
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, I think you are my favorite
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, You are so hot and fragrant
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, You are so hot and fragrant
But when I lean and sniff you close
I burn the hair inside my nose
O plate of peas, O plate of peas, You are so hot and fragrant
Here We Come A-Waddling
(To the tune of: Here We Come A-Wassailing)
Here we come a-waddling
Among the peas so green
We ate too much turkey
So fair to be seen
Corn and rolls come to you
And to you your waddle too
And we promise Thanksgiving that we won't eat much next year
And we promise we won't eat much next year
We are not gluttons usually
Who wind up on the floor
But there are plates of food
Like we've never seen before
Corn and rolls come to you
And to you your waddle too
And we promise Thanksgiving that we won't eat much next year
And we promise we won't eat much next year
Thanksgiving finds the master stuffed
Likewise the mistress too
And I will find a rhyme
Like the author couldn't do
Corn and rolls come to you
And to you your waddle too
And we promise Thanksgiving that we won't eat much next year
And we promise we won't eat much next year
Stretchy Belts
(To the tune of: Silver Bells)
Dinner table, heavy table
Dressed in Thanksgiving style
In the air there's the fragrance of nutmeg
Children waiting
Uncles passing
The green bean casserole
And at every quaint gathering you'll find
Stretchy belts, stretchy belts
Thanksgiving time in the suburbs
Stretchy belts, stretchy belts
Real belts would get in the way
Eating glazed hams, marshmallow yams
With some butternut squash
As grandmothers rush out with their cream pies
Hear carrots crunch
As the aunts munch
It's the turkey's big scene
And around every middle you'll find
Stretchy belts, stretchy belts
Thanksgiving time in the suburbs
Stretchy belts, stretchy belts
Real belts would get in the way
I hope that you find these songs to be amusing and festive. Feel free to incorporate them into your own holiday celebrations so long as it makes people happy. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lara works for the Department of Defense. She would tell you more, but then she'd have to hunt you down and, well, you know... She enjoys spending time with friends, building sand castles on the beach in winter and going on international adventures. Lara and Beth M. were the brains behind our fun series on the Year of the Birthday. We are thankful they have decided to continue the fun with the Bucket List and Every Day Life.

Reader Comments (2)
Wonderful! I love this. Thanks so much, Lara.
I have more. My co-workers are often startled at my collection. I like to sing them at work to get myself in the Thanksgiving spirit :)