Every Day Life: All I Want For Christmas...

By Beth M
People constantly ask me what I want for Christmas, here are a few things I tell them:
All I want for Christmas is a day off, seriously, this whole working full time, being a grown-up is overrated.
All I want for Christmas is for my car to last the winter, that's all, just until I can save for a new-to-me one.
All I want for Christmas is a husband, but not really, I'm way too independent for that. How about just someone to go to movies with and snuggle with on the couch? I know…..
…..All I want for Christmas is a puppy! Oh, wait, you can't take them to the movies. Never mind.
All I want for Christmas is my own office, but that won't happen for quite some time. I have to do my time on the lower rungs first.
All I want for Christmas is fluffy socks. People insist on giving me books…
All I want for Christmas is liposuction. OK,, not really. If I'm ever to be skinny, I want to have earned it. Back to Jillian Michaels' Biggest Loser workout I go.
All I want for Christmas is to be able to roller skate again.
All I want for Christmas is to be able to go to Narnia.
Or Middle Earth. Before Boromir died.
All I want for Christmas is grandpa's homemade fudge. Mmmmmmm…
All I want for Christmas is to make my grandparents happy.
All I want for Christmas is my own soundtrack so I know when bad stuff is going to happen.
All I want for Christmas is a new swishy noise machine, Ben stole mine.
All I want for Christmas is a great picture to hang on the wall that I didn't have to wait a year and a half to get.
All I want for Christmas is cabinets!!
All I want for Christmas is Sean Bean's number.
But seriously, all I want for Christmas is time with my friends and family sharing food and making memories. And maybe a little Bean-snuggling wouldn't hurt!!
Beth is a gorgeous, size 6 blonde married happily these 20 years to Sean Bean, dreamy British actor. Their perfect children attend a boarding school in Scotland that they take the scarlet train out of King's Cross Station to each term. In her spare time, Beth likes to perform interpretive dance in local parks and raise awareness for S.P.E.W. Sean and Beth also own a German Shepherd named Chauncy who likes to nap. Beth M. and Lara were the brains behind our fun series on the Year of the Birthday. We are thankful they have decided to continue the fun with the Bucket List and Every Day Life.

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