Fingerprint Friday: Forces of Nature

By MAD21
We are buried. Almost literally. We received almost 30 inches of snow last weekend. It took us three days to remove the snow from our driveways and sidewalks. I talked about the blizzard that dumped on us HERE and HERE.
Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday, we got another 16 inches. I love snow and all the work and play it brings, but even for me, this is a bit excessive. I'm not complaining though. Unlike a lot of the people around here, I see this kind of thing as a great opportunity. Not only do we get to spend some time working and playing with family and friends, but it brings out the neighbors and provides great opportunities to serve others by helping them shovel out their driveways.
As "in control" as we think we are in our lives, it's events like this that help to remind us that we are not the ones in control. We can run around everyday going to work or school. We all have our schedules and routines. And while I am all for schedules and routines, it's nice to have something that forces everyone to stop.
All you have to do this week to see the fingerprints of God is look outside my window. But make sure you bring your sunglasses. It's pretty bright out there.
Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.

Reader Comments (6)
Yes, God is in much as we like to think we are! Beautiful photo of the trees. I am sure that all of you who are in the mid and upper Atlantic states are truly tired of snow. We are expecting a bit (3 inches if we're lucky) here in NW Georgia today. Of course, we are excited at the prospects because it is a rare treat for us. Great Fingerprint Friday message and photo.
My kids would love to get that much snow. The most we've gotten this year is about 6 inches. Beautiful picture!
So true. No reason to get upset or worry. You're where you are so you might as well enjoy it and serve others. Thanks Ginny!
Wow! What a lot of snow, and how wonderful to help your neighbors.
We lost power for a few hours last Saturday, even though the rain and sleet and snow had stopped sometime Friday. Probably a tree or branch fell on a power line somewhere, weakened by the bad weather the day before. That really got me thinking too about God being in control and boy, did I ever pray hard for the people who were working to restore power! We were ok all afternoon because the sun was shining in our living room window, giving us light to do things by and keeping us warm enough with sweaters on.
In the late afternoon with sunset imminent, my husband decided we'd better fire up the kerosene heater in case we didn't get power back all night. He sent our son to town to get some kerosene and they filled up the heater outside, then brought it into the living room. My son had to lie on the floor to read the directions out loud since we'd never used it before (the directions are on a sticker on the BACK of the heater, real handy, haha) and my husband was in front turning valves and pressing buttons and whatever. The flame lit, and the warmth felt so good. About 5 minutes later, all of a sudden, the power came back on. :) God is good.
Wow, that is a lot of snow. I am in the NW of MT. and we are getting very little snow this year. Seems other folks are getting the weather we usually get. Stay safe and warm!
I woke up late this morning - the sun was already out. And yes, it was ridiculously bright outside. I love that: bright and snow. It's beautiful. It is a fantastic reminder of God's work in the little things (or big things, depending on the depth of the snow, I suppose.)
-Marshall Jones Jr.