Have You Seen God?

By Pat
Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in Haiti, in the faces of the thousands who have volunteered their time and efforts to bring help, healing and hope to the countless many in dire need. I saw, amid the destruction, death and desperation, the hope that was God in the many He sent.
Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in the form of a neighbor shoveling a neighbor's sidewalk during a recent heavy snow. And I saw Him pushing a stranger's car when it got stuck in an icy ditch.
Have you seen God lately? I have. I saw Him in a group of people pulling together to collect money for a neighbor in need.
I see God every day. Everywhere. In storms, in grief, in need, I see God. He's there. Wherever you see love, whenever you see a hand lifting to help another, whenever you witness a random act of kindness, you have seen God. So never pass up the opportunity to allow God to work through you.
Remember that in Luke 10:36-37, the beloved story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said the neighbor was the one who showed mercy. Also remember that no matter how much sadness and pain there is in this world, the goodness of God greatly outweighs it.
God is here!
"No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us." (1 John 4:12)

Reader Comments (2)
Keeping this front and center is so important- thanks for the reminder!
I see God through friends like you who share yourselves through your writings on my blog. I see God in the faces of my girls every single day. I see God in the green buds showing up on our plants with the promise of spring and all things new.
I see God in my friends who work with families who have nothing. I see God in a friend who has a big heart for the homeless and hurting. I see God in my friends who are short-term missionaries going to Sudan, Kenya, India and Haiti.
God is in the big things and in the daily mundane. Thanks, Pat. It's a great reminder of where our focus needs to be.