Give Them Wings

By MAD21
As a parent there are many times that you will marvel at the relationship you have with your children. When they are first born you look at them and are amazed that something so fragile and real came from your body. And then reality sets in and you realize you have no idea how to be a good parent (especially on the bad days). As they get older and you watch them learn and grow into little self-sufficient people, what a miracle it was that another life was created through you... and how fast time flies.
Suddenly, all the priorities in our lives change. Something as insignificant as keeping your house clean all the time is not so important. And for some, something as significant as giving up a career is freely sacrificed. Have you ever wondered why this bond that a parent feels with their child is so strong. So.. different from any other relationship we've ever had? Personally, I think it's because to feel the love of your child is as close as we could possibly get to being in the presence of God while on this side of heaven. It was one of His gifts to us, to know this kind of love.
What a huge responsibility we have: That God entrusted their little lives to us. It's so easy to forget that these children are His children and they are with us for a short time, to love, to enjoy, to teach, to learn from. Going into parenthood you tend to think of all the things you have to teach your children, having no idea how much you will be learning along side them. You pray more often than you ever thought you would , for their health, their safety... that you won't screw them up... and that you are doing what is best for them, and teaching them what God wants them to learn.
I heard this song not long ago. It's called Find Your Wings sung by Mark Harris. I have yet to hear an expression from a book, a poem or story, or song that speaks to perfectly to what I want for my children. I thought I would share it with you. I would love to print the lyrics here because they are so powerful, but there are copyright issues with reprinting the words. But please go HERE to read them after listening to the song itself.
I cannot imagine my life without my girls. And while it deeply saddens me that I will have to let them go one day, I am so grateful for every second we have together. And as they grow up and away from me, I am growing along with them. And I trust that God will prepare us both for when the day comes for them to fly. That my love will give them roots, and help them find their wings.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
(Proverbs 22:6)

Reader Comments (3)
Beautiful post- thanks Ginny. :)
What beautiful thoughts, and this song is awesome! Thanks, Ginny.
When our two oldest kids traveled to Australia as Student Ambassadors, I included the words to this song in a letter to each one. It really speaks what we want for each of our kids - that they will go out and discover what God has planned for them and to really blossom under His guidance. Thanks for posting this! It's always great to have a reminder of what our ultimate goal should be for our kids!