God's Orchestra

By Pat
Do you find it easy to compare yourself with others regularly, allowing others to set the bar for what you think you should be? I sure have, but I have learned that it's a recipe for failure.
God made each of us unique, with our own distinct personalities, strengths, likes, dislikes, and yes...flaws. That's the way it's supposed to be. That's what God intended. We are each a musical instrument in God's orchestra, and God is our maestro. If we are all the same instrument, that would certainly make for a mighty boring band, wouldn't it?
Musical instruments in an orchestra or band are intended to blend together, taking cues from one another, listening to each other, and staying focused on the leader's direction. In God's orchestra, if all goes as it's supposed to, the instruments blend in a harmoneous and beautiful melody, led by the One who knows exactly what He made each instrument to do, and when to do it.
So go ahead! Be a flute or a bell or a drum or a trumpet...whatever you are, God has called you to be in His orchestra to play to the very best of your ability, and to do it proudly! But most importantly...keep your eyes on the Maestro!

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