YOB: #23. Have High Tea With Scones (Part 2)

By Lara
The original Year of the Birthday plan was to go to Hershey for the massage, caves, and hot air balloon ride. However, by August both Beth and I were high on friendship and low on cash. I proposed that we go to Lara's Bed and Breakfast instead of Hershey. We also decided to postpone the hot air balloon ride and substitute in a less expensive activity.
Since Beth was coming here, I thought that I would surprise her by making reservations for tea and scones at Tea By Two. I'm not usually into girl things, but my mother had taken me there for my birthday three years ago, and I fell in love with their food. Their scones are heavenly.
In spite of the fact that Beth is not fond of tea, I convinced her that she was going for the scones. She almost believed me. I think she continued to be skeptical until a steaming, lemon glazed morsel of heaven melted in her mouth. She also managed to find a tea that wasn't offensive to her sensitive palate.
I thoroughly enjoyed my peach tea and almond scones. I also enjoyed the company and the butterfly bushes on the other side of the window. It was very pleasant. There were lots of tea related decorations... even in the bathroom. I remember that we laughed a lot, but don't remember the topic of conversation. That does tend to happen when Beth and I get together.
The next item on the list was scheduled for later that afternoon. It only took us an hour to have tea and scones. I took Beth to Barnes and Noble to buy a journal; Michaels to buy scrapbooking supplies; Pier 1 Imports to make fun of the furniture; Baja Fresh for chicken salad; Lane Bryant to get frustrated at the selection of clothes; Pet Smart to watch kittens; and Best Buy to drool over appliances. Beth spends time in the 60" HD TV section. I, however, spend time with my stainless steel Samsung refrigerator.
We still got to Glenda's Day Spa early, but that's a story for another post. TO BE CONTINUED.

Reader Comments (2)
seriously, flat screen TVs trump refrigerators any day of the week and twice on Sunday. However, lately when I go to Best Buy I have been spending my time in the laptop section, only because I am going to be buying one this month. Once I get a laptop I will be back drooling over the giant televisions! At least one of us has her priorities straight!
Once I can buy my dream refrigerator, I will start eyeing my dream washer and dryer. Then I will start coveting my dream stove and dish washer. Ah.