Book Review: Put Me In The Zoo

Book Title: Put Me In The Zoo
Written By: Robert Lopshire
Reviewed By: EM, Age 6
Put Me In The Zoo was about a animal that did a lot of tricks. He wanted to live in the zoo. But they put him out. They dragged him out because he was different from the other animals. Two kids watched him do his tricks. He changed his spot's colors to blue; orange; green; violet; and then he mixed them all together. Then he put them on a wall, and on a ball, and lots of other places. He said, "One, two, three get back on me!" And they all went back on him. Then after he showed the kids all of his tricks, he said he wanted to live in the zoo. The kids said they loved his tricks so much they thought he shouldn't be in the zoo. They thought he should live at the circus.
I liked the book so much, I think you should read it. The animal did so many tricks that I loved. And I could read the whole thing by myself!

Reader Comments (8)
Wow! That really does sound like a good book! I like the way that his new friends helped him think of somewhere else he could be happy! I hope the circus took him in! Great post, EM!
That story sounds REALLY cool! I think it would be fun to have an animal like that for a pet. Then, when we go places, I can get him to change his spots to match whatever I'm wearing. Like today, I'm wearing a green shirt and he could change his spots to green!
I'm glad you liked this book! Thank you for sharing it with us! :-)
I'll have to check this one out- I'm sure my kids would love it. Thanks!
What a great review! Gotta get this for my daughter. I think she'd love it.
You write very well for a six year old! Did you know that I just read this book to my nephew? And I agree, it IS a good book. Keep writing, little one. Someday, I'll read a book that you wrote yourself, and I'll say, "I think you all should read this book."
Helen- I like the way that you're thinking.
Sarah- I love it so much. I would do the same thing if he was my pet.
Jason- Thank you.
Billy- You should definitely get it :-)
Duane- Thank you. Good idea. Maybe I'll do that.
She loved all of your comments. Thanks for being such good friends.
She just may write a book someday. She could easily illustrate it, too. I'll have to post some of her latest work. It's pretty awesome.
What a great review. I think it sounds like a really good book, and how exciting that you could read it all by yourself!