Fingerprint Friday: Hard Work

By MAD21
My husband and I spent nine hours working in our yard last Saturday. We had intended on only spending a few hours and then going on to do other things. But just like a bowl of pasta, it was never ending. Once we got started, it just kept going and going... and going and going. Two hours turned into three, five turned into nine... then we realized it was starting to get dark and our kids needed dinner and baths. So we had to stop.
I love a day of good, hard work. It's quite satisfying to look at all you were able to do. It's a great feeling of accomplishment. And if you are a stay-at-home-mom, you know how hard it is to get that feeling sometimes!
I love having a good time, or a relaxing day just like anyone else. But I also love days to work hard. I think they are meant to be a blessing just like any other. We surely benefit from each experience. And they are all opportunities for us to bless other people. Nothing short than another one of God's fingerprints.
Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.

Reader Comments (2)
What on earth did the kids do for those 9 hours?? I'm so jealous - would love to have a solid day in the garden. You've gotta share your tricks for occupying them so you can do some quality weeding. :)
And a day of work surely can be a celebration as much as a day of relaxation. What a wonderful insight.
Our kids love to play and be outside. So they spent the day playing with each other while stopping to help us every now and then by picking up sticks or moving things. This is the first year since having kids that we've been able to work all day around the house, they were so good for so long. In the past we have had our favorite teens come over for the day to help entertain them.
We stopped working to throw a ball or push a swing every now and then, but they were really good about playing nicely together so my hubby and I could work. It was hard work, but felt so awesome to be able to work on it all day without having to stop every half hour to change a diaper or find something new for them to do.
Your time will come!