YOB: #15. Go To A Cave (Part 2)

By Lara
I have always wanted to explore a cave. This is probably due to my deep desire to blindly stumble into a secret country. In "Prince Caspian," Aslan explains that the Telmarines got into Narnia from our world through a cave. I know that my odds are SLIM, but I'll never know for sure if I never explore a cave, right? That's how caves got on the Year of the Birthday list in the first place.
We had originally hoped to go to Indian Echo cave in Pennsylvania. Beth has already been there. However, Hershey was vetoed as too expensive. So, I did some research about caves in Maryland. There is really only one public cave in Maryland. It's called Crystal Grottoes. I thought it would be a fun road trip.
I know that both Beth and Kate were disappointed by Crystal Grottoes, but I rather enjoyed it. It was a good beginners cave. There were lots of cool, dark corners to hide in. There were lots of beautiful crystal formations that would glitter in the artificial light. I feel that something should be said about the irony of crystals growing in such a dark place. Had the cave remained undiscovered, these crystals would never have realized their full potential in light refraction. Such a waste.
Oh. Right. The cave. As Beth mentioned, our guide was a rather attractive young man who let us take some illegal cave dirt home with us. I purchased a post card or two from the gift shop. Beth bought some souvenirs for her children.
From there, we went to Harper's Ferry. It was only another 20 minutes up the road. Every time I climb up to Jefferson's Rock, I regret it the next day. Beth mentioned that we should have waited for the massage until after the climb. It's a pretty view, though.
Anyhow, I thoroughly enjoyed my first cave experience. I can't wait to see more caves. I do, however, plan to go with a guide. I've seen too many discovery nature programs about things that live deep in caves that would probably impede by descent into Narnia.
[Editor's Note: If you missed Beth's version of YOB: #15, be sure to go read it HERE.]

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