Life Is Funny: Silly Words

By MAD21
There were several of us on Twitter Friday afternoon who were laughing at the words people make up. Our friend Kathy (@katdish) and Wendy (@weightwhat) are among those who are famous for the hilarious words that get used every now and then. Words like: confuzzled, snort-larfing, smirk, shrewt, and murve are among those that get used at any particular time.
I'm not really good at coming up with random made up words to express how I feel or what I'm thinking with the exception of perhaps: GAA!!; Snicker; or Snort. Not all that impressive a list, eh? But during Friday's conversation, it got me to thinking of all the awesome words my youngest (who is four today) has used in her attempts to talk over the last few years.
You see, at first she didn't really think she had a use for language, unlike her sister who born to with something to say and was using sign language by five months. It wasn't until about a year and a half ago that she finally realized how much better her life would be if she would try to learn how to talk. It made those first few years quite a challenge. Example? She knew the same sign language as her sister, but chose to use them as a last resort and in motions that seemed more like she was more swearing at us, then asking us for something.
Once my youngest finally wanted to talk to us, she couldn't learn fast enough. She started talking like wild fires. But she would get very frustrated with herself at times because she couldn't say the words right. Either that or would get frustrated at us because we couldn't understand her. I came to love the most common mixed-up words she'd say, and as she has learned to say them correctly, I am finding that I'm really going to miss them.
My baby makes me laugh everyday and I love her dearly. Life wouldn't be nearly as funny with out her, so in honor of her fourth birthday, I thought I'd share with you my top 10 favorite of her mixed-up, silly words:
Glankie (blankie)
Pupcake (cupcake)
Gramma -pronounced with a soft 'G' like giraffe
Wallamellon (watermellon)
Li-barry (library)
Shoooo -picture lips sticking out like a fish at the end (shoe)
Sloop (sleep)
Buppin (button)
Hippy Burpbay (happy birthday)
Hoptidoptor (helicopter)
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (6)
Awww. You used all my words! "Shrewt, murve, confuzzled, snort-larfing" Very proud moment :)
Hippy Burpbay baby girl! Uh, I mean big girl! :o)
Sweet. I love the made-up words too. I tend to use them quite often. My baby girl is so unintentionally hilarious sometimes!
One thing she does often is put "be" in front of words and we can't figure out any rhyme or reason in it. She says "belicious" (delicious), "bessage" (massage", "Bechelle" (mom has a friend Michelle), "bessert" (dessert). Anyway, it's so cute and most of the time I say it the way she says it. That and 'sweket' for secret. Too cute for now, and we'll be able to torment them with the knowledge later when they're all "grown up" and their little friends come over. It's the circle of life. :)
I'm always inventing new words...unfortunately it happens when I'm preaching or teaching...I just tell people its's Greek or Hebrew! Thanks for sharing!
She had a great day and loved all your comments.
Duane- Ya, I guess I should have given you credit, too. Thanks for pointing that out :-)
Jason- That is so funny! I love how different it is with each child, too. Words my oldest had problems with my youngest doesn't, and visa versa. Probably my favorite from my oldest would be "na" for banana, and "marshmallow" for whitemarsh (a town near us).
Jay- That's awesome. I'm glad I'm not the only one unintentionally making up new words. I'll have to try your method next time!