Works For Me Wednesday: Pennies For 'Lions

By MAD21
One of the things about being a parent that I enjoy a lot is creating traditions. I didn't have many growing up, but there were a few things that we did that meant a lot to me. Personally, I think it's important to have family traditions. They bring us closer together and create life-long memories.
I don't know how kids are in other families, but ours are always asking for a job when we are working in the yard or flowerbeds. Since they are so little, there isn't a whole lot that they can do independently other than pick up sticks and rocks... and dandelions.
Two years ago we were outside working and my oldest was asking what she could do. My hubby rememebered a tradition from when he was little that his parents did with him that was kind of fun, so we decided to do it with our own kids.
Everyone has dandelions that grow in their yards. Those relentless weeds that just won't stop popping up everywhere. As with most kids, ours enjoy these "beautiful yellow flowers" and are offered up to us as gifts just about every time we go outside. So when our oldest asked for a job that day, my hubby said, "Ok, from now on, for every dandelion you pick, I will give you a penny."
Two years later, my daughter's are still joyfully picking all the dandelions from our yard, offering them as gifts, but also excited that they will get a penny for each one to put into their piggy banks.
Every Wednesday, fellow blogger Kristen at We are THAT Family posts clever ideas for getting things done. She calls it, "Works For Me Wednesday" or WFMW. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (3)
Mine is a little worse- for every piece of dog poop they pick up with their bag in the yard, they get a quarter (this work requires more payment!).
That's a great idea though. :)
Hey, just wanted to let you know I finally got all my subscriptions moved over to my new account, so I'll be able to read your posts more regularly from now on. :) Cheers!
Jason- Haha... those days are coming. I just won't put them through that at such a young age. They'd probably make a worse mess of it.
Duane- Yay! I know it was lots of work transferring all of your stuff.