Saturday Evening Blog Post: Most-Read Post For April 2010

By MAD21
The most-read post on our site for April 2010 was a guest post written by Kevin (Shooting the Breeze) called, "Balancing Life: A Father's Perspective." In this post, Kevin talks about how he works hard to prioritize things in his life:
Being a dad can be a balancing act sometimes.
Actually, it is not just a balancing sometimes; it is a balancing act ALL the time! On any given day my attention is being pulled in at least four different directions: toward my wife, toward my children, toward my job and toward myself.
All these aspects of my life are important BUT they are not of the same importance. I have to choose how I prioritize these different important aspects of my life. I must be living with the right priorities in place in order to find a happy balance in my life.
This is how my priorities line up right now:
Priority #1: My relationship with my wife Lauren. Lauren is my best friend and she needs to be my first priority. If our relationship is not strong, the other aspects of my life will suffer as well.
Some ways that we make our relationship a priority are: weekly date nights, yearly getaways and having a connecting time before we go to bed each night.
Go and read the rest of Kevin 's awesome post and share with us how you prioritize your life.
Be sure to go and visit Elizabeth Esther's blog carnival where bloggers gather on the first Saturday of each month to share their latest and greatest blog posts.
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