Looking For God...Again!

By Pat
Okay, I admit it. I'm struggling again. Struggling with finances which is forcing me to struggle with decisions, among a few other issues, and therefore struggling with my faith. I know I'm not alone; we all have our moments, our days, even weeks and months, don't we? After all, God never promised a trouble-free life for any of us.
Looking back through the Bible, we recall David, Paul, Peter, just to name a few. Even Jesus! They all had their problems. In fact, thinking about the problems they faced make mine seem kind of, well, petty I suppose. And yet, I still struggle. Am I a fair-weather Christian, relying on everything to go my way in order for my faith to be strong? Why can't I hear God? What am I doing wrong? Where is that window God's supposed to open for me when it appears there is a door fixing to slam shut?
Well, this forces me to admit something else. At these times, these dark and lonely times, I get a little excited. Strange? Maybe, but it's in these struggles that I know, somehow, God is at work and that, no matter what, He will see me through this spell with stronger faith, greater love. Even if things don't go my way, I know without a doubt that God's way is better than mine. I will persevere! I take these times to reflect on my current situation more closely, to consider that, just maybe, God is trying to push me out of my boat, or remind me to pick up my Bible a little more to seek His words, or to listen more closely. To seek more solitude in order to drown out the noise of my life.
Perhaps I have become too complacent. And so, God forces me to realize that I may not try to draw closer to Him unless I am feeling far away. Yes, God uses these struggling times for my benefit. No doubt about it! I may not feel it today, or even tomorrow, but I continue to trust in God's word. I will cling to my Rock more firmly and with more determination, even when I feel like letting go. I will remember the words of 1 Peter 1: 6 & 7, which say:
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
I will remember that this life is only temporary. What God has waiting for me in the next life is forever, and I will persevere and hang onto the hope that God has given me in Jesus. I will praise! I will thank God for giving me the chance to grow and for loving me through the process...even when I am ugly. I may cry out, but I will trust. I will wait. And I will grow!
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.
Reader Comments (2)
Yes! In this world we do have trouble, but He gives us His peace. I'm so glad! Thanks for a great post.
Thank you, Jason. I'm glad, too!