Equally Worthy

By Pat
Out little granddaughter is developmentally disabled, and as she gets older it becomes more obvious that she is not on the same level intellectually and behaviorally as other children her age. An outside observer probably sees and hears her and notices only how behind she is, but those of us close to her know her and can see how much progress she has made in her special "early intervention" classes and her speech therapy.
We who care for her rejoice at what she has learned, and celebrate each little bit of improvement she makes. I firmly believe that God sees each of us like this; as different, unique and special children who are equally worthy of His love and grace. What a wonderful thing to know, and what a wonderful God we serve! I thank and praise God for His unbiased love for all of His beloved children!
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.
Reader Comments (2)
I agree with you. Her accomplishments are every bit as important as any other child's. Her struggles will help to form her into a more compassionate person, I am sure. And in God's eyes, the child is the superstar, not the brilliant mathematician or nuclear scientist.
You sound like a wonderful grandma! God bless you!
Thank you, Helen! I appreciate that so much...she is truly a blessing and God has taught me MANY things about myself through this lovely child. God Bless!!