What Can God Do Through You?

By Pat
In Mark 5:1-20, we learn the account of the demon-possessed man who encountered Jesus. We read about the classic battle of good vs. evil, and that, of course, Jesus triumphs over evil by sending the man's evil spirits into a herd of pigs who rush down a steep bank and are drowned.
I have read this story many times, and the overriding theme to me has always been the great healing power of Jesus, and His ability to overcome evil. But this morning when I read it, a point I had never noticed before stood out to me. The grateful man, now free of his demons, begged Jesus to let him go with Him, but Jesus said no. He had other plans for the newly freed man. He told him to go and tell everyone what Jesus had done for him, and the man obeyed. It wasn't what he had in mind, but never the less, he did what Jesus told him to do.
Now, if he had gone with Jesus as he wanted to, certainly he would have served him, but not in the way Jesus wanted him to. Who knows how many lives were given to Jesus because of the evangelism of this man? How many others were healed by the touch of Jesus after hearing the man's first-hand account?
We struggle as Christians, wondering if we're doing what we should be doing. Sometimes I feel that I am not doing the right thing..the best thing...enough. But God knows what He wants us to do to advance His kingdom. It may be something entirely different than what WE think, but God knows best. So when you feel that He's telling you, "No, child. Do THIS instead," have an obedient heart and watch what God can do through you!
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.
Reader Comments (1)
Amen and amen. Thank you!