Life Is Funny: Losing Teeth

By MAD21
My oldest has now entered the phase of losing teeth. She lost her first one the first week of June. She was so happy to have lost it before the end of school so that she could show her teacher and classmates. She was now part of the "club."
She had three other teeth that have been loose at any given time for the last three or four months. And considering the one that finally did come out took over a month of "wiggling" and two tugs with dental floss before it came out, my hopes were not high for the remaining three to come out anytime soon.
But through much work, my oldest was able to get one of the loose teeth loose enough that we thought we could pull it. But since she is still at an age when the anticipation for something like this is overwhelming, it didn't happen. We had a trip to the dentist scheduled (not for the loose tooth but for some other work) and had hoped he would volunteer to pull it. No dice.
That night, the girls were playing in the bathtub and I was making dinner. I heard my oldest call out for me. As I walked back to the room, I assumed I was going to either hear a complaint about what her sister was doing or not doing, or water all over the floor. But, when I entered the room all I saw were to very happy girls giggling uncontrollably. As I entered I said, "Yeeees??" My oldest exclaimed, "MOM, MOM! Sister knocked my tooth out!!"
Apparently while they were playing my youngest socked my oldest in the mouth with her elbow. I don't want to know how or why, all I care is that they were happy, there was no crying or gnashing of teeth, and it was one less tooth I had to worry about pulling.
Only 18 more to go... <sigh> Hmmm. Now I'm wondering if my youngest will become a martial artist or a dentist... maybe both?
I couldn't resist. Sorry/you're welcome:
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (2)
I'm glad she wasn't frightened, and that it was a happy occasion.
I love that video. Love the movie, too. So funny!
It's amazing what can be overlooked when there's a new tooth out, isn't it? Oh, Toothfairy!