Be Still and Rest!

By Pat
Boy, life sure can be tiring. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually tiring, even exhausting at times. so much to do, so little time. Responsibilities can take over our lives in no time at all. Add to that the burdens we bear for others. We worry about and pray for our friends, families and loved ones on a daily basis. (At least, we should!) This can add to the weighed-down feeling we already have from our own lives.
Jesus promised us rest."Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). Well, here I am, Lord! Where's my rest? I still have just as much to do, and I still feel so heavy with burdens. Help me, Lord! Bless this one, bless that one, help me get done...These things I utter as I blow through my day, frantic to get everything finished.
But wait...another little voice whispers beautiful, soothing words in my thick head..."Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalms 46:10). Suddenly, a little light goes off in my head. God telling me to be STILL so that I can REST? How? Well, maybe I'll give it a try. And so, I become still. I find a quiet place, put life in the corner for a few precious minutes, and get still. Still before my God. And then, I realize I feel rested! Ready.
Those few still, quiet moments with God did not give me super-human powers that enabled me to do my chores in half the time. It did not solve my problems, heal my loved ones, or erase every worry. It did, however, remind me to get my priorities in order! I do, indeed, need to be still with God to feel the rest my Lord has promised me. I think I'll wait til tomorrow to finish that last load of laundry. Dinner might be a little late today, and we'll survive. I have been reminded that I cannot put my life before God. My life IS God. And so, I will be more still. And so very grateful for His rest!
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.
Reader Comments (2)
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be praised among the nations, I will be praised in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
The word for "still" can be translated “to slacken or drop”. In this case it’s good to be a slacker, and to be resting in Him.
Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you, Jay!