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YOB: Next Up... Greece and Egypt

By Lara

I am aware that it's not on the Year of the Birthday list; however, I am currently on a cruise enjoying an optional excursion in Egypt. That is correct. Egypt. I am prepared with my Egyptian tourist visa and everything.

It's actually a funny story involving one trip getting cancelled and another trip becoming available. My friend Mandi wanted to go to Athens to visit her friend Bruce. As I had no desire to impose on Bruce for an extended period of time, I agreed to go with her so long as we went on some sort of a tour.

Mandi suggested that I start looking for tours. I found my dream tour. One week in Greece. One week cruising the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. Once I saw that there was an optional excursion to Egypt during which we would see the pyramids and take a river boat up the Nile, I was SOLD.

It was slightly more difficult to sell Mandi on my two week dream tour encompassing three continents. Fortunately, I have been blessed with the gift of encouragement. I encouraged Mandi to agree that this tour rocked. Soon we had booked our flights and sent in our tour reservations. Yay!

And now I'm here. In Egypt. Rest assured that I will have plenty of stories to tell when I get back. I will also have pictures. I'm excited.

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Reader Comments (2)

I am SO JEALOUS! I expect a trip report!

July 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDuane Scott

I promise to report on this trip. Never fear!

July 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLara

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