Life Is Funny: Rewind

By MAD21
Even though the TV is not a dominate force in our household, the power of TIVO has definitely had an influence on our lives. We had evidence of this last Monday evening.
Driving along in the car on the way to soccer practice, our oldest daughter spotted horses at a farm on her side of the car. As is often the case, our youngest didn't see the horses because we had already gone by.
In her frustration to see what her sister had pointed out, she calls up to the front seat, "Daddy? Could you please hit rewind?"
If only we could...
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (3)
Nice! I find myself while watching a show sometimes wanting an information button that will tell me who the new character is and what's going on. I guess I need to pay closer attention. :)
I am the exact same way, Jason. We are staying at a place this week that only has regular TV/cable. I keep finding myself reaching for the remote to either pause/rewind/look for more info. Crazy how we are trained to do such things, isn't it?
I tend to live my life that way. WIshing I could rewind and do over. This is funny. :)