Are Your Roots Planted?

By Pat
In the back portion on my mother's yard was a huge weeping willow tree. For many years, it stood beautifully, but eventually it became diseased and unhealthy. Parts of it began to die, and it became weakened. Finally, a few months ago, a storm with very gusty winds toppled the tree. It lay there for a couple of months until my mother found someone who wanted the wood and agreed to cut up and haul away the tree. But in that period of time between the falling and the hauling, we watched in amazement as portions of that seemingly dead tree sprouted new growth. Although the root ball was out of the ground, evidently the tiny amount of root still in the ground helped to bring life to parts of the tree. It reminded me so much of us humans
We sometimes are toppled, blown over by the strong winds of life, and we feel at times as if God has deserted us. We appear to ourselves and others spiritually dead. But we're not! As long as our roots are planted firmly and deeply in Jesus, we never have to fear the storms of life. Jesus will continue to be at work in us, and will allow our weaknesses to build new strength, new growth. We need only to cling to our Lord. After all, if He can raise the dead to life, He can certainly see us through our storms and make us stronger than ever!
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5)
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.

Reader Comments (2)
That is a beautiful metaphor for us humans. New growth can appear in what seems to be dead if we are rooted in HIm. Beautiful and true.
John 15:5 is my favorite Bible verse. Great reminder... sometimes God purposely breaks us completely down so He can grow us the way He wants. Sure doesn't feel so swift in the moment, though...
Thank you for sharing.
-Marshall Jones Jr.