WWW ~ (World Wide Worship)

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
" As it is, there are many parts, but one body." 1 Corinthians 12:20
Having been out on the country several times on mission trips or sponsor tours I have come to appreciate the fact that no matter where you go when you are with believers there is an incredible sense of fellowship and Spirit. My first journey was to Mexico in 1998 travelling with a church youth group. My fondest memory is being in San Diego right on the coast and overlooking the Pacific. There we worshipped and sang. It was an incredible experience just looking out at the vast ocean and feeling the prescience of God. I can remember singing "In the Secret" and just feeling moved by the words of that song.
In the secret, in the quiet place
In the stillness You are there.
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait,
Only for You, 'cause I want to know You more;
Seven years later I would travel to the Dominican with another church group to work on a church in Monte Cristi. At night we slept on the roof of our home. Laying there just looking up at the stars I listened to a song called "Here with Me" by Mercy Me. In fact I listened to that every night in prayer and it became my 'lifesong.' One night was incredible as I laid there and watched lightening far off in the distance. I truly understood the power of God.
And I can feel your presence here with me
Suddenly I'm lost within your beauty
Caught up in the wonder of your touch
Here in this moment I surrender to your love
Which brings me to the purpose of this article. In both of those circumstances I was surrounded by fellow believers with a sole purpose of glorifying God through our work. They were both "Mountain top" experiences and I was changed by them. However I had not yet experienced worship with believers from other countries. In both 2007 and 2009 I travelled to Honduras. My worship experiences in both cases were different but in many the ways the same. In 2007 we travelled to a remote church that actually would be considered a mega church here in the states. It was basically an outdoor church (no sides and a tin roof) with benches for seats. They had three services and hosted about 2500 members who came from all around. We worshipped with contemporary Christian songs in Spanish. We danced, praised and hugged. They did not know us but we were brothers and sisters. In 2009 we went to a smaller more traditional type of church but again the praising and fellowship was the same. Despite language barriers we were all worshipping together our creator. We may not have fully understood all of the prayers but we understood enough to join in and be part of the body.
I know many times we sit in our churches on Sunday just going through the motions. Even when we feel moved by a song or sermon, too often it is just about us. I encourage you next Sunday as you sit there think about what is happening outside of the walls. All over the world, some earlier that day and some later brothers and sisters will be worshipping and praising our God. Despite different languages, different denominations, different songs and praises we all will be united in Worship. Just as 1 Corinthians 12:20 states "we are many parts but one body." If you can fully understand that moment that is what heaven will truly be like. All of us together as believers just worshipping the One who brought us together.
Blessings....Make a Difference this week!
Chuck is a Christian husband and father who has served in part-time ministry for 17 years, and is a deacon at his church. He has been a Compassion International Advocate/Area Coordinator for several years, finding families to sponsor Compassion children throughout the world. His passion is letting others know how important it is to release children from poverty. Be sure to check out his blog, Sharing Compassion.

Reader Comments (1)
These are powerful things to consider and meditate on. I've many similar experiences and I am so thankful for it! Thank you Chuck. Great post.