Praying For Perseverance

By Jason (Connecting to Impact)
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1)
We live a society that has become transfixed on happiness at all costs. Everything seems readily accessible and easily replaced. The value on people has receded just as the value on things has.
Relationships with family, friends, spouses, and others are all judged and weighed through the lens of what we gain from the arrangement. Church becomes yet another place to be a consumer instead of a contributor. And even if they do want to contribute, they may not find something that immediately interests them and walk away.
Our kids have to have perseverance. It’s not just because that’s a nice value to promote, the Bible tells us a lot about enduring and overcoming. As Hebrews 12 goes on to say, the hardships we endure can be counted as discipline. Discipline doesn’t make us happy, but we need it to be all that He has called and made us to be.
As I said in the post about our kids and work, if these are important values, we certainly have to model them, but we also need to pray them consistently for our children.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)
There are things we aren’t able to accomplish simply by natural means, but by way of His throne, we can see an abundance of fruit in this area.
I once again invite you to think of specific children in your life (your own or others) and pray this prayer with me.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you again for (insert child(ren)’s name). You have an amazing plan and destiny for their lives and you desire a relationship with them. There is nothing beyond Your reach so I ask you to help them develop true perseverance. Jesus told us that we’d have trouble in the world, but that He gave us peace. May they sense that abiding peace as they face the roads ahead.
May they be those who stand up for righteousness and Your truth without compromise. May they have a heart of compassion toward the weak and helpless and not give up when it looks too difficult. I ask that you would instill this attitude of endurance by your grace.
Help us as parents to not treat relationships and community with the contempt we see in the world. Help us model this perseverance well. Help us to have wisdom on when we are helping them and when we are cutting in your plan to help them learn to stick it out and not give up. We desire to know what to carry and what not to.
I know (insert child(ren)’s name) are loved by you and I trust what You do in their lives. May they receive the reward of faithfulness and the blessing of perseverance. Give them wisdom to know when they are following You and when they are following other passions so they will let go of what needs to go and stand firm in the good.
Thank You for your protection and mercy. I pray You accomplish these things for Your glory—in Jesus’ name. Amen.
[Editor's Note: This post is the sixth contribution to a wonderful series we are doing on Biblical virtues and praying for our children. I firmly believe that as parents, it is part of our responsibility, and an honor, to pray to our Father in heaven on behalf of our children. I pray you are blessed and encouraged by the words of these posts and that you will join me in my passion for growing strong, confident, loving, honorable and faithful children of God. If you missed the first five posts, be sure to go and read them: Love for God's Word, Salvation for the Next Generation, Praying for the Willingness and Ability to Work, Biblical Self-Esteem: I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough... Or Am I? and Love Is...]
Jason is a guy who loves Jesus, his wife, and his kids. He's also the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, AK. You can check out his blog at where the goal is to connect with others in a conversation about life, service, and faith while connecting to God who is true Impact.

Reader Comments (5)
What an awesome prayer! I have prayed this for my daughter and am sharing it with my friends.
Jason, thank you for the inspiration and the reminder to persevere.
Wow, thanks for the encouragement, Dusty! Glad we can see our kids grow and flourish through His grace. :)
Thanks again.
I so love this. I have seen the powers and wonders through prayer and blessing. I have a nephew who had problems at school with friends and my sister-in-law was crying he would stay alone. I learned to bless him. So I started to pray for him and bless him and now he is fine and has a great christian friend who has a tremendous influence on him.
I pray for Michael, Dusty, Herb, Bill, Jim and you and also for your children. That Jesus covers them with His blood and surrounds them with His angels and I bless them in Jesus' name. and then I bless you all as good parents for them in Jesus' name. Oh well, it's an example. And I also have learned to pray to ask Jesus to stand between them and others. I don't know how to explain this to you.
That part about perseverance spoke to me. It's a difficult time this time for kids, especially at school. The teachers need prayer too.
Yes and amen to all you said, Ani. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Ani, you are so right about the need to pray such prayers for the children in our lives. I love your wording about needing to bless them. It's exactly what I try to do for the kids who I see suffering for various reasons. I may not be able to control their circumstances, but I can control how much I love on them.