It Was A Good One

By Ginny (MAD21)
My desire to remain in my own reality and have Christmas vacation last forever has come to an unfortunate end. I tried ignoring the fact that time was screaming by at a completely unfair speed, but it just didn't work. Hubby is back at work and the girls go back to school tomorrow. I'm left with... well, everything else.
We had a lot of prayers and wishes answered in the last two weeks:
We got to take the girls to their first real show at a theater. We went to see The Voices of Christmas at the Living Waters Theater in Pennsylvania (part of The Sight and Sound Theater). I'm not sure if I had more fun watching the show, or watching my girls watch it. It was truly a blessing on all counts.
We got to go to the Udvar-Hazy Center (part of the National Air and Space Museum) and see some really amazing aircraft such as the Enola Gay and the Enterprise (no, not the one from StarTrek!). This was a fun adventure in general, but the museum has special meaning to my hubby and me. Before the collection of aircraft was brought together at the Center in 2003, it was located in what can only be described as a giant warehouse that looked like someone's garage. It was called the Garber Restoration and Storage Facility. It was the first place my hubby and I ever went to together as a social thing before we got married, or were technically even dating.
It may seem trivial, but a real answer to prayer was that our girls really behaved well during the whole vacation time we had together. There were a few speed bumps along the way, but all in all, it was truly an answered prayer for me. As you all know, bad attitudes can ruin everything. It was near the top of my Christmas wish list. I really needed some good, quality time with my family, and I got it. God is good!
Yet another thing that may seem trivial: I got to sleep in... SIX times in two weeks! You just have no idea. I am a night owl trapped in a house with three *early* morning risers (five if you count the pets). Between that and having a child who at almost five years old, still doesn't consistently sleep through the night, this is a privilege that is highly coveted. Sleeping in was awesome, aside from being poked in the back a few of those mornings to answer silly questions like... "Mommy, KC was playing with Teddy's seashells on my dresser..." Not a question, per se, but I was like... "what...?" I should tell you that this is the first time in eight years that I've been able to sleep in, or had the opportunity to sleep in more than one or two days in a row.
A few really fun memories I will treasure: KC (aka Ninja Cat) attacking me from underneath the Christmas tree at every single opportunity she could; KC deciding she did not want to share the underneath of Christmas tree with any presents and so pushing them all out from under the tree every day; Playing "who can be the quietest the longest" at bedtime with my oldest only to see her nearly explode just before being the first to talk... every time; Listening to my youngest sing every day and shoot off her famous one-liners during conversations (along with her hilarious facial expressions); and making the world's largest bed in the living room with every pillow, sleeping bag and blanket in the house on New Year's Eve that the whole family and both pets laid on as we brought in 2011.
An unexpected blessing this year was the ability to help someone in need. I had a dear friend call from a few states away to tell me about a friend of hers who lives in our area. The friend who lives near us was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. He has a wonderful wife and two young adult children (one who is in college, one who has autism) that he loves dearly and financially supports. We were honored at being able to contact them and begin helping with things like meals and running errands. Please pray for this family. They have a difficult year ahead of them.
So as we all get back to the reality of life and family routines, be sure to spend time every day thanking God for all that you have, for all that He does and has done for you. For things as trivial as sleeping in and good attitudes, to spending time with family, or the opportunity to help someone who needs it, be aware of God's fingerprints around you... and prepare yourself to be the hands and feet of Jesus for someone else, you never know when you'll have the wonderful opportunity to serve another.

Reader Comments (3)
Sounds like a lot of fun, Ginny! I know what you mean about sleeping in too. I only begrudged a little that my wife (a teacher) got to spend the 2 weeks with the kids and sleep in every day (well, I consider anything past 5:30 AM to be sleeping in). It's good to be thankful! :)
Well, as you know Jason, teachers need it! I'm sure it was a well deserved break for her. I hope you got to spend some good, quality time with your family over the last two weeks, though.
Sounds like an awesome time! Children are such fun, and yet there are time when I crave an "adult" get-a-way.
Our daughter was wired and hilarious all through the Holidays, so now my wife and I are exhausted and overwhelmed by our blessings. Our holiday was devoted to family. My brother and SIL came in from San Antonio, which was an added treat.
Thank you for sharing your blessings with us!