The Enemy

By Pat
I have been an avid bird watcher for many years, and love watching them at my various feeders. I always marvel at their beauty and resilience and the loveliness of their songs. It gives me great joy. Today I learned a lesson from one.
A small Carolina wren was on my deck railing, but instead of going after the food, he sat still, hunkered down and not moving a muscle. He remained that way for quite some time, and I knew without a doubt there had to be a hawk in the area. I looked around, and sure enough I saw a hawk right there in the woods by my yard. The wren knew he was there, and that if he moved he could possibly become lunch for the crafty hawk, so he did the smart thing. He stayed still and quiet and waited for the enemy to leave (which didn't take very long because I chased the hawk away!)
I couldn't help but envy the wisdom shown by that simple little bird. Oftentimes, I allow Satan, the enemy, to devour me by failing to be still or quiet. I say things I shouldn't say, do things I ought not do, falling prey to Satan's sharp talons. I allow my mouth to get me into trouble. Even though I know the enemy lurks around waiting for me to fly into his trap, I forget to hunker down and be still and remain right with God. I allow the enemy to attack. He plants thoughts into my head that should not be there, and tries to convince me I will never be all that God calls me to be because I am not good enough. At those times, I should hide from the enemy like the wren hid from the hawk, but I do not always succeed. Satan waits for my defenses to be down, swoops in for the attack, and then gloats at my weakness.
Satan will always be a part of our earthly lives, trying to make us stumble, and sometimes we WILL stumble. But God in His infinite mercy will always be there to pick us up and pluck us from the grasp of the enemy. He will put us back on the right path and give is the strength and wisdom we need to withstand the attack of the enemy.
Hebrews 2:18 tells us, "Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Jesus knew very well what it's like to have a hawk waiting in the trees and He, like the wren, knew how to avoid the clutch of the enemy and remain firmly in God's will. So when you're tempted to fall into Satan's lure, call on the Lord. Remember that Jesus already whooped Satan, and He'll whoop him again! He is stronger and will always give you the tools necessary to wage war against the enemy.
"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.

Reader Comments (2)
I know I am often guilty of forgetting that we DO have an enemy and that he has many in his service, all seeking to cause us to doubt God, to do exactly what Eve did when Satan was able to convince her that God "didn't really say"... we are deceived to believe a lie, instead of God's truth...and how easily it can happen! Oh how we need to "seek" God's help to defeat our enemies...we can't win on our own... Thanks for this reminder, Pat....and may we all sense God's presence and strength as we fight the enemy....
Amen, Jerel!