Are We There Yet?

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
Those that have had young children will recognize those words in the title. Many times we have packed the car and settled in for a few hour drive to a vacation spot. It seems we have gone only the first few miles and a voice from the back proclaims those words: "Are we there yet?" it is a voice of impatience and anticipation. They cannot see the big picture and only want to see the end result. I can't think of any parents that have not heard that question. It just seems to be part of parenting.
I wonder as Christians, how often we have asked that question of God in our hearts? We know our final destination and we know it is better than any favorite vacation spot. We look forward to eternity with anticipation. How often though do we get bogged down in everyday life? We get frustrated by running in every direction with never enough time. We struggle with trying to keep things balanced. We get disappointed by others and broken promises. In our frustration don't we sometimes whisper that phrase within our hearts? Not that we want our lives to end but we yearn for the peace, fellowship and perfection that heaven will bring. We know the promises that await us and our hearts yearn for that.
However I want to offer you this thought. It is not just the destination but the journey that is important for us as Christians. Obviously we are not sitting back in our car seats and watching the scenery go by. We are not just spectators in this world but rather we are called to be active participants in the journey. We are called to make a difference in the world around us and to be agents of change. God does not ask us to sit idly by and wait for the end to come. Jesus' final words are known as the Great Commission. He tells us to go and make disciples throughout the world. We do this in the way we interact with others through words and actions. It is not just about telling others about Christ but rather modeling Christ to them. Our journey is not easy and is often filled with trials and failures. However God gives us nothing more than we can handle. As we go through the journey he is with us every step of the way. All that he asks though is that take an active part in the journey and enjoy the ride. We need not worry about when we are going to get there- his promise is faithful. We do need though to trust Him and know that we are called to be something more. The journey molds us and will mature us as we wait for our reward. As we travel along we need to keep checking to see if we are truly making a difference as He has called us to do. I challenge you not to just sit back but to fully engage yourself in the journey. Be a blessing and be blessed.
Chuck is a Christian husband and father who has served in part-time ministry for 17 years, and is a deacon at his church. He has been a Compassion International Advocate/Area Coordinator for several years, finding families to sponsor Compassion children throughout the world. His passion is letting others know how important it is to release children from poverty. Be sure to check out his blog, Sharing Compassion.

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